Welcome to the website of AMDEA , the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances, the UK trade association for the manufacturers of small and large domestic appliances
AMDEA is the UK trade association for the manufacturers of small and large domestic appliances. It represents over 80% of the appliance industry. Members are all manufacturers, importers of household appliances and include most of the UK’s top selling brands of major white goods. These include large and small kitchen appliances, heating, water heating, floor care, waste disposal and ventilation equipment.

Our purpose is to represent our members’ interests.
We aim to make the UK a great place for our members to do business, helping to ensure that the full benefit of the products and technology in which our members invest is understood by their customers.
We want people to appreciate how appliances enhance their lives.
We are the ‘Go To’ organisation for all Domestic Appliance matters.

Helping our members grow.
Promoting awareness of how consumers’ lives can be improved through the use of the latest technology.
Leading on the development of regulations and standards that can support innovation and a circular economy while protecting consumers from harm and excessive costs.
Enabling the development of industry networks, bringing stakeholders together, across industry, government and supporting bodies to deliver exceptional products and service.

AMDEA is Relevant, Credible and Influential.
We deliver a strong Value Proposition for all our members, irrespective of their size, or product category.
We are a trusted source of information and opinion on all aspects of our sector.
We are active in the development of the safety, performance and environmental standards that ensure the continuing evolution of modern domestic appliances in a circular economy.
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Explore more of the AMDEA services & products, updates and policies.

Covid-19 Information
With the Government announcement of the third lockdown for England, starting January 5th, the majority of retail businesses will yet again have to close their doors.
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AMDEA works on proposed Government regulations affecting the appliance industry to ensure that they are proportionate and effective...
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Register my Appliance
Taking just a few minutes to register your fridges, freezers, washing machines, dryers and cooking appliances ensures that manufacturers can contact you if a safety repair is ever needed.
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Our Products
Providing sufficient clean water is one of the fundaments of life and we are very conscious of our role in conserving clean water....
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