- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus mi felis, ultrices a mattis in, volutpat dictum libero.
- Maecenas sollicitudin dolor nunc, maximus tincidunt justo tempor in. Aenean fermentum justo at cursus volutpat. Maecenas a purus id quam imperdiet dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
- Duis augue ligula, egestas nec maximus quis, posuere quis enim. Vivamus non ex et magna tristique pretium facilisis eu arcu. Aliquam congue nulla condimentum urna suscipit, nec fermentum lorem malesuada.

Fridges and Freezers
- Install fridges and freezers in a dry, well-ventilated room. Most refrigerators should not be installed in direct sunlight or near a heat source such as a radiator.
- Regularly defrost your freezer if it is not “frost-free.”
- On frost-free models clean the rear of your fridge compartment and check that the drainage hole is clear.
- Descale your kettle regularly, especially if you live in a hard water area. Limescale build-up will reduce the efficiency of the heating element.
- Only boil as much water as you need. This will ensure the heating element is only used for the amount of water needed.

Washing Machines
- Leave the door of your machine open after use if you want to help moisture escape and to prevent damp smells.
- Keep the soap dispensers clean. Occasionally remove the detergent drawer and clean it using hot water and an old toothbrush.
- Check and clean the filter from time to time.
- A few times a year, run a maintenance cycle – see the instruction booklet for details.
- Only attempt to open the washing machine mid-cycle if your instruction manual specifies you can – some new machines allow you to open to add that stray sock – as on most machines the programme finishes with a cooling cycle designed to reduce both the temperature and the amount of creasing.