Attempts are continuing to try and find workable solutions for compliance with the new Radio Equipment Directive (RED), which should have been transposed in all Member States by 13 June 2016. The UK is still dragging its feet in meeting its continuing obligations as an EU member.
It is hoped that a compromise solution may have been found to increase the number of Harmonised Standards covering spectrum protection characteristics. CEN-CENELEC are now consulting on proposals to deal with EMC and safety. However, since the transitional period for products covered by the old Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Directive will come to an end on 13 June 2017, it seems unlikely that the requisite standards will be in place in time.
AMDEA continues to be involved, via BSI, in the work of CEN-CENELEC and through its membership of CECED. This month Richard Hughes also gave a presentation on the topic to the UK industry forum, the Electronics Regulatory Group.